Teaching and learning at BlueCrest University College is anchored on four cardinal principles – Leadership, Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (LITE).
Programmes offered at the College leverage the LITE approach to teaching and learning advantages in building today’s neophytes’ capacity to become tomorrow’s professionals.
This week, at the Mass Communication and Journalism Department, in the Organisational Behaviour and Media Organisations class, we decided to innovate. The Lecturer for the course decided to create an experience! We christened it, the BlueHub Experience!

The blow-by-blow experience:
- Students report to class at 8:00 a.m. They were introduced to learning the organisation culture of reporting to work early.
- Every student was treated to an early morning beverage to get them settled and active for the class.
- Though some students reported late to class, full attendance was recorded 20 minutes into the lectures. Unusual!
- Students’ participation in class discussions was spectacular!
- The topic for discussion was Learning.
- So many examples and a lot of illustrations to explain the concept of Learning on the day.
- The mood in class was great till the end of the class.
- The class lasted for three hours and students requested a repetition of the day’s experience in the remaining classes for the semester.
- Indeed, we tried the LITE approach to teaching and learning by Innovating and it worked!
- Stay tuned as we report on our next BlueHub Experience!