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May 11, 2022

Fashion Students Display Their Diversity At Academic City.

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BlueCrest School of Fashion & Design saw some selected student’s showcasing their talents and style during Academic City’s Diversity Day.
The day was filled with dance,fashion,music,poetry and food from different parts of Africa. And BlueCrest was there to raise their school’s banner high!

The School of Fashion, had three students showcasing their collection. Esinam Africa Agbada ,only in semester 3, she effortlessly executed the skills and speed needed for a designer to showcase her collection on the runway. Time allocated for the designers to finish up their collection was quite short, and this being her first ever fashion show, she delivered exceptionally. Enjoy her collection below..

Benedicta Amankwa a semester 6 Fashion Design student also showcased on that day. With her having quiet a number of experiences when it comes to fashion shows,she used her wits and talents to deliver a beautiful set on that day. Benedicta loves class with a bit of simplicity and a “whoooooooole lotta diva chic” A student who grabs every opportunity to show the world her talents. Her collection below…dubbed “Aketesia”

And the last Student who showcased on that day was Beverly Efangawan, also a semester 6 student showcased her collection on that day. This was her first time collection as well and she expected it amazingly. Her collection below..

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