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May 5, 2022

Mass Communication Department Launches Disability Reporting Club

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The Department of Mass Communication and Journalism at BlueCrest University College has launched a Disability Reporting Club at the school campus in Accra, Ghana.

The club, an initiative of the Department, is to serve as an advocacy group that will bring light to the challenges that confront people living with disabilities in the country. Made of students studying journalism, the club will through various activities, including radio programmes, stakeholder engagements and strategic campaign activities, draw the attention of policy makers to challenges that confront People living with Disabilities and at the same time highlight the contributions they are making towards national development.

Speaking at the launch, the Collaborations Manager of BlueCrest University College, Ms. Henerrita Mensah, urged the members of the club to work tirelessly to see to it that the vision of the club becomes a reality. She commended the club’s founders for coming up with an initiative that will aid in addressing disability issues in our communities.

The event was graced by the Rector of the College, Dr. Sujith Jayaprakash, Head of the Mass Communication Department, Mr. Philip Acquaye, and other lecturers from the Mass Communication Department.

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