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May 1, 2022

Fire,Wax & Arts..Fabric Rendering Techniques

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Fabric rendering is an excellent process for illustrating the versatile fashion ideas that come to a person’s mind. This helps students to draw fabric with a realistic and convincing way to depict the minor details in the fabric. With some basic fashion illustration skills and your creative mind, you too can draw fabrics with movement and stunning realism. You need to understand a few concepts before you start doing it.

Taking the time to accurately match color, capture texture, convey light and shadow, and display drape and important design details will produce a rendered illustration that is effective and visually compelling. The tools you use for this important task are key.

Fashion rendering is important because it is one of the most influential tools used in fashion designing. Most of the textile industries and fashion designing courses use methods of fashion rendering to exhibit the ideas on paper. Fashion designing revolves around a lot of basic concepts and ideas.

But if you want to start with fashion illustration then here are a few tips to make your illustration look more real and different. Choose the right sketching tools and materials.

What you should really focus on:

  • proportions and shapes
  • the way you want to drape your fabric
  • the body structure is important than detailing

The illustration of colourful, intricate patterns and motifs requires precision and special skills. The challenging part of print rendering is illustrating decorative elements with depth and dimension. Most printed fabrics are organized into repeated patterns. However, some prints are engineered in such a way that the motifs are limited to specific areas of a fabric to create borders and bleeding edges.

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