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Dec 20, 2022

Career Fair 2023!

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“Are you a parent trying to guide your child through their career journey? Are you a student feeling lost and unsure about your future?

It’s time to adopt a systematic approach to career counselling!

As a parent, it’s important to understand that every child is unique and has their own interests, strengths, and goals. By taking a systematic approach to career counselling, you can help your child explore their options and make informed decisions about their future.

As a student, a systematic approach to career counselling can help you clarify your goals, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and explore different career paths. It can also provide valuable insights into the job market and help you develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in your chosen field.

So don’t just wing it – invest in a systematic approach to career counselling and set yourself up for success!

Save the date! Don’t miss out.

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