Dear BlueCrest Members, this platform is designed with the purpose to share our achievements, latest news, announcements, our social media activities and planned events. All the units and departments of the college are actively providing the latest information on this platform. In addition, you will find some other useful information in the resources section. We will add more sections in future. This will ensure that all our students, staff, and faculty are updated with our developments at BCC. Enjoy this platform and lets feel proud of our BCC together!

Oct 7, 2021


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As part of its plans to address the challenges students encounter on campus, the Department of Business organized a Business Forum for its students. This is part of the initiatives devised by the department as a team towards creating and enhancing a conducive learning atmosphere for teaching and learning. To ensure students have the opportunity to present their concerns, students from all semesters were invited for this meeting. This is not the first time the HoD together with other faculty members of the department held such meetings. Several of these meetings were held in the previous semesters too both virtually and in person.

Meeting the needs of all students begins with honing an awareness of who we are and what we stand for. Faculty members have ears for each student and as such, have taken the student advising/ mentoring/counseling initiative proposed strongly by the rector very seriously. The value of a mentor-mentee relationship and its benefits to especially the student cannot be underrated. To begin, there should be a solid foundation for a mentoring relationship.

The best way to begin this relationship is to explain some firm guidelines to prevent misunderstandings and   mistrust down the road and strengthen the relationship. Students were encouraged to contact their faculty advisers anytime they have any issue pertaining to their academic life.

The HoD, Ms. Mary Sassah, took time to discuss some Key issues raised including increment in school fees, student advising, timely issuance of students’ certificates, school Wi-Fi not reliable, Moodle page access, final year project etc. Students were very glad for the opportunity to dialogue with the team.

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