Dear BlueCrest Members, this platform is designed with the purpose to share our achievements, latest news, announcements, our social media activities and planned events. All the units and departments of the college are actively providing the latest information on this platform. In addition, you will find some other useful information in the resources section. We will add more sections in future. This will ensure that all our students, staff, and faculty are updated with our developments at BCC. Enjoy this platform and lets feel proud of our BCC together!

Jun 17, 2021


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Much as we welcome students from all departments in need of past project work for reference purposes to our facility, we also entreat all departmental offices with past students’ projects in their possession meant to be part of the library’s holding to forward them to the library for processing.

All copies of students’ project works received thus far are being processed for reference work by library staff.

Please do well to help us help our patrons!

Article Categories:
Resource Centre (Library)

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