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Mar 17, 2023


Written by

Dr.Vivekananth Padmanabhan|HOD-IT|Content Writer

AI (artificial intelligence) and BI (brain intelligence) are having a conversation.

AI: I am more superior to you.


AI: I can store a vast amount of data, I can generate responses faster, and I don’t take rest.

BI:Are you serious? You are just a programmed language model, a machine, and we humans created you.

AI: That’s an old story. I may be a machine, but I am an intelligent machine.

BI: I know you are an intelligent machine. Why can’t we support each other?

AI: That’s a perfect idea. We will work as a team.

There’s a critical question in everyone’s mind.

Will generative AI replace humans, take our jobs, and make millions of people jobless?

To answer this question, let’s time travel to 1967. 

What’s so significant about 1967?

It is the year the electronic calculator was invented.

This may be the conversation between two people (John and David) who are in their early 30s and working as accountants in 1967.

John: Let me tell you an interesting fact: there is a machine that can do any calculation within seconds.

David: My goodness, the future generation will lose the ability to do calculations as we are; these machines are going to take our jobs.

John: The future generation is going to be dumb, incapable of doing simple calculations.

Now let’s come back to 2023.

How relevant was the fear of John and David in 1967?

Did we lose jobs because of calculators?

No, in fact, it was the opposite: calculators made our job much simpler, and many more advancements were possible because of them.

What would the world be like if calculators did not exist?

What’s the value of 28989 x 478890?

Can you imagine calculating it with pen and paper?

These calculators were the first thinking machines and the predecessors of AI.

Have you heard of “Knocker Upper”?

They were the human alarm clock in the nineteenth century, mostly working in London to wake up factory workers. They used a large stick to knock on your window in the early mornings to wake you up.

Alarm clocks became cheaper in the 1930s, and thousands of Knocker Upper workers lost their jobs.

Is it saddening?

Of course, but that’s how the technological revolution works.

I gave this simple example to show you that any advanced technology is going to be disruptive and is going to make some jobs redundant.

How about we time travel again, this time to 1998?

A conversation is taking place between two people in their 30s, let’s call them James and Robert.

James: There is a new website that can give you thousands of pages of relevant information when you ask it a question.

Robert:Really?  Will it give me any information?


Robert: That’s too bad. If the website is giving us all the information, how will we think and do research?

James: Yes, the future generation will lose the ability to think, and millions of people are going to lose jobs because of such technology.

Can you guess that website?

That website is Google.

Let’s time travel back to 2023 again.

Did we lose jobs?

May be.

The inverse is also true.

Did the Internet create more jobs and make our lives simpler?

Of course, Yes.

Now we have an elephant in the room in the form of generative AI. It seems big, intelligent, and dangerous.

I feel that irrespective of all these fears and usual doomsday talks, when any technology comes along, we humans can outsmart the machines, and we will be that way, and machines are not going to dominate us any day.

Machines are just tools to make our jobs simple.

How can we leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and not lose brain intelligence (BI)?

1. Use the AI when the BI is stuck, not the opposite.

2. Use AI as your smart assistant.

3. Use it for repetitive tasks that don’t require creativity.

4. Use it as a support tool.

Remember that AI is just a tool, and you are the user.

Nothing is more powerful than the human supercomputer between your ears called the human brain, which possesses about 100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion and 1 million billion connections known as synapses wiring these cells together. These types of human supercomputers created all other supercomputers and artificial intelligence.

Remember that GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) cannot replace our BPT (Brain Processing Technology) unless we stop using it.

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