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Oct 14, 2020

Checking of Enrollment Status of Students

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Dear All,

The Moodle unit wishes to inform us that, our CTO Mr. Vinay, has made tracking of Enrollments of Students easily accessible to both Faculty members and students with the KNACK SYSTEM. Kindly note that all enrollments in Moodle are however required to pass through the knack system so every student can know their enrollment status in Moodle, whether REJECTED OR APPROVED. Faculty on the other hand can also check and verify the enrollment status of students according to their departments or by use of the search feature in the system. The link to verify the enrollment status of all students in the KNACK SYSTEM is conspicuous on our Moodle home page at the top bar. The various Enrollments statuses are:

  1. Approved for Billing :: this means finance is yet to approve
  2. Approved for Enrollment :: this means Moodle team is yet to add them
  3. Fully Enrolled :: this means they have been added to Moodle
  4. Pending Approval :: this means we are checking if they have passed all the exams / met academic requirements
  5. Rejected :: Student is not in good standing and did not pass approval to be enrolled.

Please note that, students need to be advised accordingly based on their current status. This process is strictly been adhered to by the Moodle unit for all our Moodle enrollments. Students are in any case REQUIRED to fill the Registration Form which is available on our Moodle homepage. Here is the link as well,

Please note that, the Moodle unit will not enrol students in their courses if they don’t fill the registration form. If students fill the form before payment of their fees, the finance team will reject their enrolment request. Such students need to refill the form again after payment of their fees.

Thank you

Emmanuel – Moodle Administrator

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Moodle (LMS) · News and Announcements

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