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Nov 11, 2020

Dean for Academics

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It is with great pleasure to announce our new Dean for Academics. This internal promotion has become necessary to augment the new wave of change in our various schools and critical for the college as a whole.

Dr. William Quarmine holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics from Wageningen University, Netherlands and has an M.Phil. in Agricultural Economics. He is an alumnus of the University of Ghana with a first degree in Agricultural Economics.
Prior to his promotion, Dr. Quarmine was the Dean of School of Business and Communication. He has multiple publications in leading academic journals such as an Innovation Platform for Institutional Change in Ghana’s Cocoa Sector (2017), and Embedding Research for Innovation to meet Societal Needs in National Research Systems (2016). He has over five (5) years of experience in lecturing.
Dr. Quarmine worked as a Freelance Research Consultant and was a lecturer and a member of a number of Boards and Committees at the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani-Ghana.

Congratulations to Dr. William Quarmine on his new role.

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